Group details
Science is a big deal these days. Our knowledge of the natural world has become detailed and deep in many ways, ranging from the Big Bang itself and the stars and galaxies of our universe through to the very DNA and cell biology that makes living organisms tick. Mysteries remain, of course. What is dark matter for example, and does it really exist?
But how did we get to this point? In the Science group we have been looking at how scientific thinking, observation and experiment has developed since the days of Ancient Greece, and how it flourished in the Arabic and Persian civilisations of the Middle Ages. The achievements of those times, particularly in astronomy and medicine, were remarkable.
In 2020, we are getting further into the Modern period. We’ll see how advances were made in the 18th Century in many sciences, including chemistry, botany, physics and astronomy. The new geologists found evidence that the Earth is far older than the biblical figure of 6,000 years or so. Later, the path will lead on through Faraday, Darwin, Maxwell, Einstein and other great scientists, right up to present day research in atomic physics, climate science and the human genome.
You don’t need to have studied physics or biology, etc, to join us. Just an enquiring mind, and the desire to know more about the science which is our great inheritance, and which continues to surprise with its new discoveries.
New members welcome – please contact Gary Chamberlin for further details.
Group Leader
Gary Chamberlin
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